
Intercultural exchange and transcultural learning

John, Pavla and Garret would like to hear about any moments during the whole project process and performance where you learned something about another culture or, indeed, your own. This could be a word or saying. It could be a custom or activity. It could be something about another country that you found interesting, something that you liked (or didn't) or something that you still don't understand.

Some examples might be the onomatopoeic sounds animals make in each country, the gestures we make that might have different meanings in other countries, even our eating habits.

If you want something to be anonymous, for whatever reason, please send your comments to g_scally@hotmail.com



  1. I remember the activity which we counted number in other languages. Though I didn't understand any of it, it was fun. And I also remember that we tried to show "Yes" or "No" without words- just using the face and appearance. I found that everyone did the similar attitude, which interested me.
    About the cultural gap; I like to hear Garret and John arguing about American accent. Though I don't recognize the difference, it is interesting (and funny...).

  2. I have been trying to see this comment for the last month or more but I've only been able to see it today for the first time. Thanks Chiyo
